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My District at the Temple |
Whew! What a week! I absolutely love the temple! I wish I would have gone a lot more before I left on my mission. I can feel that it is definitely the house of God. Well, we started out the temple trip with a testimony meeting as a zone in the stake center across from the temple. It was so powerful. It was so great to start out the temple trip like that.
This week has been so busy. I never realized how awesome the Priesthood is. I have the authority from God in me! It's been a week full of priesthood blessings and tracting. The sister missionaries were teaching this lady, and she asked for a blessing. It was so crazy to see the change in the lady from that day and the next day. The priesthood is real.
The weeks are starting to fly bye. It's awesome because Edmond has come alive now. All the college students are here, and the roads are so busy.
Well, Justin Skinner is leaving on his mission to Cali, Columbia on Tuesday. He's been very fun to take to go teach lessons.
So, bashers. For some weird reason they seem to all be from Utah. We were just at the store and I went to go talk to this guy and he started bashing us. He even pulled out a list of scriptures from his front pocket to try and bash with us. I kept trying to leave from talking to him, because we bore our testimony and it was time to leave that guy alone, but he wouldn't let us. I understand, he's trying to save us and whatnot, but he's just got lost in his knowledge.
Service is so fun! We got to cut down quite a few trees! Problem is, we can't use the motorized saw (I forgot what it was called), so we got good old saws. It was actually pretty fun! Elder Marsh was cutting down a smaller tree and it was heavier than he thought it was so it scraped up his hand pretty good.
I love reading the scriptures! Coming out on my mission has helped me realize that not only do we need physical sustenance, but also spiritual food too. Even more so than physical.
Elder Wheelwright (dos)